Start the Week Off Right by Making the Most out of your Sundays

Sunday Funday: The last bit of the glorious weekend until Monday comes along and sucks all the living energy out of you. Okay – maybe Mondays aren’t that bad, but a well spent Sunday can actually give you a little more energy to power through the week. How so, you ask? Lazy Sundays are for sure a thing, but making the last day of your weekend just a bit more productive goes a long way. Fruitful planning and well-thought out preparation can help you transform the start of your week. Keep reading to find out how you can make the most out of your Sundays and take back the week. WAKE UP EARLY Step one to getting a full and productive day in? Be up and out of bed by 9:00am at the latest. Don’t cut your weekend short by sleeping in ’till noon and writing off your entire morning. Get up and go – you’ll thank yourself later. Bonus: Getting up early means your body won’t let you stay up all night, binge-watching Scandal . Instead, you’ll fall asleep sooner Sunda...