A Healthy body feeds a healthy mind and vice versa. A snack laden with sugar in the morning could inadvertently lead to agitation in the afternoon. The body processes chemicals in ways that directly affect well being. This can be easily seen in new bodily systems, such as those of a child, but they are there for us all at any age. Health makes us feel better, which leads to more empowered thoughts and actions. Consider how unstoppable you may have felt when you attempted a healthy new program. The key, and the tricky part, is maintaining this routine. There are ways you can commit to revamping your program to focus on healthy body, healthy mind. Some ideas are:
Create a Wellness Program- Have your residents design and wellness program that commits to the well being of the entire facility. This may mean you all commit to healthy snacks during activities, that you offer a wellness associated activity 3 times a week, time spent in nature is incorporated weekly, invite different members of the community to start walking programs, host varied workout routines, discuss health issues, etc. There is so much that can be included with your dedication to making it a part of your planning.
Language- There is much that can be inferred to through use of language, accurate or not. Try and be hyper aware of the language you may be using when conversing with your residents. We all need to be told that we matter and to be encouraged to reach beyond what we believe is possible. If you believe in your residents strong enough and long enough that will begin to change how they feel about themselves. Use encouragement with everything you do. Build activities around self-worth and love. Post affirmative message and visuals around the facility as constant reminders. A facility full of love will take off and create more outward and inward love then you can even imagine. |
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