Health & Fitness

Tai Chi

Repetition Is the Key to Having Fun with Tai Chi

Evidence-based studies have shown that practicing tai chi increases balance and reduces fall risk. One of the elements of tai chi that makes it enjoyable is the exercises are sequences of movements that are learned like dance steps. This short sequence can be used to complement this Tai Chi Balance video offered exclusively on Activity Connection by our partners Spiro100. World Tai Chi Day is celebrated on the last Saturday in April, so this is the perfect month to add tai chi to your exercise program.

Tai-Chi Warm-Up Sequence: “Bless a Drink for Your Neighbor”

1. Place your hands on your knees and lean forward from the waist with your chin slightly outstretched as if you’re trying to bring it out over your knees.

2. Slowly lift back up.

3. Bring your hands to your sternum with the back of the hands touching and palms facing out like a reverse prayer position. Your elbows should be jutting out to the sides.

4. Lift your arms up, keeping your knuckles/backs of the hands touching, as if you’re trying to reach your arms overhead. (You may not be able to lift them that far, but that’s okay, just keep your elbows pointed out to the sides and the knuckles together, although this may feel awkward.)

5. Extend your arms out to the sides with the palms facing up.

6. Slowly reach your arms forward so they are outstretched in front and bring your palms together.

7. Bend your elbows and bring your hands toward your sternum into a prayer position.

8. Place your hands on your knees and bend forward again as you did in the first step.

9. Sit back up and reach your hands in front of you like you’re holding a bottle—your left hand is supporting the base of the bottle and your right hand is wrapped around the neck of the bottle.

10. Keep your hands in this position as you slowly turn to the right as if you’re offering your neighbor a drink.

11. Turn back to center and reverse your hands, so your right hand is supporting the bottom of the “bottle” and your left hand is wrapped around the neck of the bottle.

12. This time, turn slowly to the left and then back to center.

13. Bring your hands back to your knees to finish the sequence.


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