Quick Qigong

Quick Qigong For Fitness

Qigong (chee-goon) is a traditional Chinese practice that is designed to invigorate and “wake up” the body. The movements may seem unusual, and even a little silly at first, but they are surprisingly invigorating. This is a great way to warm up before more vigorous chair exercises, or anytime a quick energy boost is in order.


Place chairs in a circle or semi-circle with several feet between them. Practice qigong in a quiet space if possible.


All exercises are done in a seated position. Participants should sit up straight in their chair with their feet touching the floor at the start of the activity.


Come up on your toes, leaning forward slightly. Rock back on your heels, leaning back slightly. Continue this motion for about a minute. Vary the pace throughout the exercise. Start by moving fairly slowly, then speed up, and gradually slow down again. Do the exercise for 60 to 90 seconds.

Arm Pats

Reach your left arm straight out in front. Tap your left fingertips with your right hand. Vigorously tap your left arm, moving up the arm, all the way to your shoulder, and then back down to your fingertips. Tap up and down your left arm two more times before switching sides and tapping your right arm with your left hand. The goal of the exercise is to get the blood circulating in your hands and arms.

Lift the Balloon

Reach your right arm out in front with your palm facing up. Pretend there is a balloon right above your palm that you are trying to keep in the air. Continually pulse the right arm up and down as if you’re trying to keep the balloon in the air. Continue “dribbling” the balloon for
30 seconds. Switch sides and do the exercise with your left arm for about 30 seconds. It’s helpful to picture the balloon clearly. Visualize the size and color of the balloon and try to keep the image in your mind as you do the exercise.

Tree Bending

Reach your left arm up overhead and keep your right arm relaxed at your side. Take a deep breath. Slowly bend forward at the waist as you exhale. Keep your left arm extended as you bend forward. Inhale and sit back up. Your left arm should reach back up overhead. As you exhale, relax your left arm at your side. After a few seconds of rest, begin again by lifting your right arm. Inhale first and then slowly bend forward as you exhale with your right arm extended in front. Inhale as you sit up, lifting the right arm overhead. Exhale and release your right arm down. Do two more sets of the tree bending exercise.


Interlace your fingers and extend your arms straight in front. Slowly pivot the wrists, keeping your fingers interlaced, so your palms face out. Reach your arms up a few inches higher. (Don’t reach so high that you feel any strain or pain.) Slowly lower your arms, gradually turning your wrists so your palms face in again. Bring your arms all the way down,
releasing your interlaced fingers before relaxing your arms to your sides. Repeat the exercise three more times.

Walking on Clouds

This is an exaggerated form of marching in place. Bend your right knee up and lift your left arm up overhead. Then switch, bending your left knee up and reaching your right arm overhead. Continue “marching” like this for 60 to 90 seconds. There is no need to go too fast; encourage exercisers to take a break if needed and then continue marching when they’re ready.


Raise your arms out to the side with your palms facing forward. Your feet should be flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Lean forward at the waist and wrap your arms around your body like you’re giving yourself a hug. Sit back up and extend your arms back out to the side. Try doing the exercise with the knees pressing together as you lean forward and then moving apart as you sit up. As you do the exercise three more times, change which arm is on top as you hug yourself.


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